California Japantowns - Exploring the preservation of history, culture, and community...


In the early 1900’s, Marysville’s "Japanese Town," situated next to Chinatown and adjacent to the Yuba River levee, provided a nucleus for the Japanese ranch laborers and migratory agricultural laborers. The town quickly grew to contain 40 small businesses and more than two-thirds of the Japanese residents of Yuba County concentrated within the city of Marysville, just prior to the war.

Settling into agriculture, some Japanese became independent farmers in orchard crops, rice production, and vegetable farming, with family members providing the arduous "stoop labor." Today, only a handful of Nikkei remain in orchard and row crop farming.




Berkeley | Florin | Fresno | Guadalupe
Lodi | Long Beach | Marysville | Monterey
Oakland | Orange County | Oxnard
Pasadena | Petaluma | Placer County
Riverside | Santa Barbara | San Diego
Sawtelle | Terminal Island | Vacaville
Walnut Grove | Watsonville